Friday 19 April 2024 | 10:31 PM Damascus Time
Andreas Timotheou


Vivian Alsaegh/ Syrian Artist
  • Friday 24 April 2020

 Who’s afraid of walking the city?
A dead zone
zoning the city
for years now;
squeezing its lungs
paralyzing its every thought.
It cancels time around it
even as “natural” development spreads out.
They walk the city and write words
to take back to their own land,
discerntourist attraction in the remnants of life.
Nicosia is encumbered by
a Siamese sister
thatfeeds on its body and its memory
in instalments.
Helpless, we prescribe
diplomatic dinners
on occasion a few poems too.
Who’s afraid of the big bad wolf?
I walk the city – he knows where to find me.