Friday 10 May 2024 | 12:53 AM Damascus Time


  • Friday 8 November 2019

Palymra- the Pride of Syria

the memories of ancient civilization
a synthesis of two cultures,
Greco-Romans and Persians
standing high up in sky,
with all it might and beauty.
Captured by tyrannical forces
but liberated by Syrian Arab Army
The beauty and grandeur of Palymra
will never ever fade
no matter world changes
a structure reminiscent of past
and a precious gift for present and future
Palymra; you stand as a pride of Syria
as a victory of good over evil.
Where Shall We Go?

Where shall we go?
in this world of dejection,
tyranny, despair and rejection.
Nobody leaves their homes,
which they have built with many hopes,
unless the outer world is safer,
than their own homes.

Once we had lived in peace,
happily, safely and with tranquillity.
But we became helplessly victims,
of capitalism, power and greed.
The heavy price we paid,
is the destruction of our beautiful land.

Oh! Mighty superpower
what you have acquired?
By meddling in our internal conflict,
which resulted in more chaos.
Are these Oil fields for you,
precious than the human lives?

Now tell us our fate,
as we are homeless crying souls?
How many deaths we see every day?
How many losses of lives we bear every day?
How many lands we cross every day?
Which land will be our permanent abode?